How To Boost Your Material Handling Productivity
Every activity relies heavily on productivity. It is beneficial to be able to complete a task in a safer, quicker, and more effective manner, even for low-throughput applications. As our great Group once put it, “time is cash”. Furthermore, isn’t our entire time valuable?
So, how do you pinpoint areas for improvement so that we can reclaim some of that wasted time and move more products safely, quickly, and effectively? Even though it can be hard to generalize about forklifts and facilities, the following list will show you some important things to look into to increase productivity.

It should go without saying that selecting the appropriate forklift for the task at hand is crucial. There are a lot of forklifts on the market that can do the job, but not all of them have the same value for your particular business. Shorter-footprint forklifts have an easier time navigating right-angle stacking and narrow aisles, reducing the amount of time spent trying to enter and exit racking or any other confined space. In high-throughput applications, faster lift/lower and travel speeds may also be advantageous for accelerating product movement. Do your employees use the truck more than ten times per hour? Instead of purchasing a sit-down forklift, you might want to get a stand-up rider. In addition, the battery type, capacity, and voltage specifications of an electric forklift can have a significant impact on your uptime and performance.
When operators are self-assured and have the tools they need to do their job well, they are more productive. Optional productivity-enhancing features like auto-tilt leveling, fork tip lasers and cameras, and height indicators can inspire confidence by eliminating some of the guesswork involved in operation when properly matched to the environment in which they will be used. Depending on the situation and purpose of use, options like the rear pillar assist grip with a horn button can be a great ergonomic solution. During reverse travel, it has a convenient location for the horn button and provides a handhold in the operator’s compartment.
The addition of a side shifter or side shifting fork positioner can also have a significant impact on productivity. The forks are able to be quickly and easily positioned to handle each load because they allow the forks to be manipulated from inside the operator’s compartment.
It is essential to recollect that both OSHA and the ITSDF expect you to assess and survey your work environment climate, use of purpose and working environment, and well-being rules and techniques to decide if your forklift ought to be outfitted with extra frills. After that, Toyota offers a wide range of optional accessories that, depending on your specific requirements, may improve the forklift’s productivity or safety in your particular workplace and for your particular purpose. Any authorized Toyota dealer would be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding Toyota forklifts and the accessories that are available for them.
Use the correct attachment type and model.
Each attachment is constructed differently. Make sure that the features and specifications of any clamp, rotator, side shifter, or device in between are appropriate for your operation. This includes, among other things, hydraulic speeds, the size of the carriage and attachment, and visibility through the carriage. Additionally, there are a lot of specialized attachments that can help you move certain products more effectively. Single-double attachments, on the other hand, enable you to lift two pallets simultaneously, while layer pickers, for example, can grab multiple layers of products at once, reducing the amount of time and effort required to manually move them.
Keep in mind that any future additions to your forklift that could have an impact on its capacity, stability, or safety must receive written approval from the forklift manufacturer, as well as data plates from both ANSI and OSHA before they can be installed.
Optimize your facility’s layout and design.
How To Boost Your Material Handling Productivity? In the event that you are not previously doing so routinely, investigate and acquire a careful comprehension of how your activity is set up and where you can improve according to the points of view of security, efficiency, and proficiency. As new products, services, and activities emerge and require a home, businesses may experience growth or other changes over time, which may lead to the development of new or different safety considerations and inefficiencies. Typically, they use the home that is most convenient for them at the time, which is not always the most secure, practical, or well-planned location. Investigate ways to enhance your racking design and storage methods. Reduce the amount of time wasted transporting goods and products to their final destination by considering moving operations to locations where they make the most sense long-term.
One mainstay of the Toyota Creation Framework is the idea of “Jidoka”, which enables all workers with the capacity to close down a creation line the second that an issue or issue is found. In addition to improving overall quality, this procedure is essential for resolving issues immediately to avoid future ones. It’s not generally the simplest thing to do, but rather while thinking about whether to roll out an improvement, consider the drawn-out influence that having on your company is going. What may appear to be a minor issue now may grow into something much larger or more serious in the future, making it more challenging to resolve. Over time, the price of these problems and inefficiencies can really start to add up.
Keep in mind that you are not the only one. To assess the forklift, your workplace, and application of use, as well as safety rules, Toyota suggests that you consult a safety professional familiar with your environment and use to determine whether or not any accessories should be added to your forklift and how to safely integrate it into your workplace. During this process, you can get assistance from an authorized Toyota dealer near you. For instance, if you ask, your local dealer can conduct a site survey to offer a variety of solutions for increasing productivity and efficiency. Find the Toyota dealership closest to you and begin your journey right away.
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